Rubbish Collection, Recycling & Green Waste
Rubbish Collection - Domestic
Council contracts out a house to house rubbish collection service. All sulo bins are required to be left within one metre of the kerb with the handles facing the house (ie bin to open to the road) on collection days. Bin lids must be closed. All enquiries concerning domestic refuse collection should be directed to Council’s contractor:
Council's Waste Contractor
Great Southern Waste Disposal |
0429 813 096 |
Why have we introduced the new three-bin system
At the rate we were going that waste is accumulated, Wagin’s refuse site is estimated to only have a 20-year lifespan left. The Shire of Wagin and Great Southern Waste are trying to reduce the amount of general household waste output and help people recycle more to increase the Refuse site lifespan.
Separating garden waste, general waste and recyclables will help towards improving the communities waste output, with the intention of extending the lifespan of Wagin’s refuse site.
This is a positive step in improving our waste management as a community. This will hopefully encourage residents to be more conscious about their waste, what goes in their bins, and where it goes.
Recycling Service
A recycling bin collection service is conducted fortnightly on Wednesdays. All recyclables must be placed in the recycling bin provided (with a yellow lid).
The recycling bins are for the following items only;
All glass bottles and jars, plastic containers, steel and aluminium cans, milk and juice cartons (rinsed out with their lids separated). Empty aerosol cans (lids off). All clean dry paper, newspaper, magazines and clean dry cardboard (boxes must be flattened with no other packing materials inside).
No ceramics, window glass, greasy pizza boxes, plastic bags or other wastes not listed above should go in the bin with a yellow lid.
Green Waste Service
A lime green lid has been fitted to your old 240L general waste bin and is your garden organics bin.
LAWN - Grass clippings & weeds. GARDEN CLIPPINGS - Off cuts & pruning. SMALL STICKS - Small branches, sticks & bark. FLOWERS - Fresh, dead or cuttings.
Yellow Bin - Recycling - 240L - Collected fortnightly, see calendar below.
Green Bin (Old General Waste bin) - Green Waste - 240L - Collected fortnightly on the alternate week to recycling, see calendar below.
Red Bin - General Waste - 140L - Collected weekly.

Three Bin System
Download Waste FAQ
Information on your New Bin System
Below is the information regarding the new bin system and how to sort your waste between each bin correctly. Should you require further information, please contact the Shire Office.

Download Three-way bin system poster

Download Sort your waste poster