Town Hall

What is known as the Lesser Hall is the old Agricultural Hall which is believed to have opened in 1896, and which served the function of town hall and office from 1909.
In 1905, tenders were called for additions and alterations to the hall by architect, George Johnston of Albany. In 1928, a new town hall was added to the lesser hall.
Prior to 1928, the area where the Mayor's parlour, council chambers, municipal offices and town hall were added was vacant land where open air pictures were screened.
On 7 May 1928, the foundation stone was laid by Sydney Stubbs MLA for the new town hall. The ceremony was recorded by the Wagin Argus:
The work of constructing the new town hall is well advanced.... The new hall will be capable of seating over 600, with a first class stage for travelling companies Provision has been made for cloak rooms, crush hall and ticket office, dressing rooms, lesser hall, library and reading room, Council Chambers, Town Clerk's office, public offices and strong room. When finished, the new building for public convenience, for municipal purposes, will compare with any set of municipal buildings outside the cities of Perth, Fremantle and Kalgoorlie. As the centre of a very wealthy and rapidly growing district, whose future is great, the action of the local Council in arranging for the erection of such buildings is wise and commendable.
In 1929, the new town hall was completed and the Council took occupation. The contractor was G. D. Stone and the architects were R. and E. Summerhayes. It is still used for many of the more formal occasions and events of Wagin's community life.
On 26 January 1930, the Lady Mayoress, Mrs Hill, declared open the ladies restroom at the rear of the town hall. The ladies restroom was only recently demolished with a memorial picture and a rose garden on the original site.
The Town Hall was used to screen films in 1923 until the Power House was used as an alternative venue, and films are still being shown today in the old Power House building now known as the Betty Terry Community Theatre.
The following venues are available for hire by contacting the Shire Office;
- Wagin Town Hall
Ideal for functions such as weddings, dances, dinners, live entertainment, conferences and meetings. The hall has a small bar, kitchen, trestles, chairs and approximately 150 cups, saucers, bowls and side plates together with knives, forks, spoons and teaspoons.
- Wagin Lesser Hall
The Lesser Hall is available for smaller functions and has access to the kitchen facilities of the Town Hall.

The Wagin Town Hall has recently become the new home for Wagin Homecare service.