Tenders Register


Tender Number  Tender Name 
01 - 24/25 Supply and Lay of bitumen full service (including aggregate)
02 - 24/25 Cement Stabilising
03 - 24/25 Supply of one Front End Loader with Quick release Hitch
04 - 24/25 Construction of New Hockey and Cricket Clubrooms
05 - 24/25 Provision of ICT Managed Services


Tender Number  Tender Name 
01 - 23/24 Cement Stabilising
02 - 23/24 Supply and lay hot bitumen
03 - 23/24 RFQ (Supply of Crew Cab - MOW)
04 - 23/24 Supply of 16 Tonne Multi Tyre Roller
05 - 23/24 RFQ (Supply of 4x2 Utility - Gardens Crew)


Tender Number  Tender Name 
01 - 22/23 Tender - Management and Operation of Shire of Wagin Swimming Pool
02 - 22/23 Tender - Supply and lay hot bitumen full service (Incl aggegate)
03 - 22/23 RFQ (Supply and delivery of ICT hardware and software)
04 - 22/23 RFQ (Supply and delivery of IP telephony system)
05 - 22/23 RFQ (Supply and delivery of items of small medical equipment)
06 - 22/23 Tender - Supply of three trucks
07 - 22/23 Tender - Supply of 6 wheeler 2-way tipping truck
08 - 22/23 Tender - Supply of 6 tonne truck
09 - 22/23 Tender - Supply of crew cab truck