Fire Danger Ratings and Bushfire Warnings.
Fire Danger Ratings describe the potential level of danger should a bushfire start.
They provide important information so you can take action to protect yourself and others from the potentially dangerous impacts of a bushfire. You need to understand the Fire Danger Rating to assess your level of bushfire risk and decide what actions to take.
Fire Danger Ratings explained

Bushfire Prevention/Restrictions
The Director of Engineering Services Secretary is gazetted under the Bush Fires Act 1954 to issue Permits to Burn to Wagin residents only. Rural residents can obtain Permits to Burn by contacting the Fire Control Officer within their area. A full list of contact details can be viewed via the link below. Permits to Burn must be obtained prior to lighting a fire during the Restricted Burning Periods. Permits are free of charge on request.
Please note: No burning of any type is permitted on days of Moderate, High, Extreme or Catastrophic fire danger days.
Restricted Burning Periods:
- 1 October to 31 October inclusive, permits are required during this period
- 15 March to 30 April inclusive, permits are required during this period
Prohibited Burning Period
- 1 November to 14 March inclusive, NO burning during this period
Burning of bush, grass and garden refuse are totally prohibited during the Prohibited Burning Period. No permits will be issued.
Please Note: The above dates may vary due to seasonal conditions. For any questions - contact the Shire of Wagin.
Emergency Contact Numbers
Emergency Contact Numbers
In the event of fire call |
000 |
Harvest Ban Hotline Call |
0438 013 123 |
For further information click on the links below:
AGM Minutes - April 2023
Bushfire Advisory Meeting Minutes - April 2023
Bushfire Officers Contact Details
Fire Information
Fact Sheet - Fire Danger Rating
Fact Sheet - Warning Levels
Total Fire Ban Information
Total Fire Ban Information
A new 24 Hour "Total Fire Ban" Information phone line is now available - 0438 013 123