One of the Town’s major attractions, "Bart" was built locally in 1985. Thousands of tourists visit the ram annually which is located in the Wetlands Park.
Puntapin Rock is approx. 5 minutes drive south/east of Wagin and is well worth the short drive and the climb to see the fabulous 360 degree views.
The largest Anatomically correct man made Merino Ram in the known Universe.
Westjets are a regular visitor to Wagin's airstrip and visitors are welcome to attend.
Published on Wednesday, 11 November 2020 at 12:35:58 PM
Details around painting of the giant ram have finally fallen into place - with the boom lift arriving later this week and the painter starting Monday.
We expect that the work will only take a week and Bart will look fresh and new.
Before Painting
After painting.
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