Shire of Wagin - Local Heritage Survey 2023

Published on Monday, 17 July 2023 at 2:47:23 PM

 Why a review?

  • The Shire of Wagin undertook their original Municipal Inventory of Heritage Places in 1996.
  • The Heritage Act 2018 (Part 8) requires that all local governments prepare a Local Heritage Survey and prepare a Heritage List.
  • Shire of Wagin adopted a Heritage List in 2018.
  • State Planning Policy 3.5 Historic Heritage Conservation (2007) outlines principles of sound and responsible planning for the conservation and protection of Western Australia’s historic heritage.
  • Further to that the Heritage Council developed guidelines in response to SPP3.5, being: “Guidelines for Assessment of Local Heritage Places” (November 2022)

Identifying & Assessing Heritage

  • The former State Heritage Office (now DPLH: Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage) developed guidelines to provide criteria to assess places of local heritage significance for the purpose of compiling local heritage surveys.
  • Local heritage surveys include a range of heritage sites and places of varying levels of significance.
  • However, the survey alone does not provide any level of protection or management for any of the places that may be recognised, assessed and listed as being of considerable heritage value.

Indicators (criteria) for local heritage significance - a summary


  • It is significant in exhibiting particular aesthetic characteristic. This may encompass: creative or design excellence; the contribution of a place to the quality of the setting;  landmark quality; or, a contribution to important vistas


  • It is significant in the evolution or pattern of the history of the local district.


  • It has demonstrable potential to yield information that will contribute to an understanding of the natural or cultural history of the local district.


  • It is significant through association with a community or cultural group in Western Australia for social, cultural, education or spiritual reasons.




  • It demonstrates rare, uncommon or endangered aspects of the cultural heritage of the local district.


  • It is significant in demonstrating the characteristics of a class of cultural places or environments in the local district.

1996 Municipal Inventory of Heritage Places and 2018 Heritage List 

  • The Heritage Council’s inHerit database lists 93 places relevant to the Shire of Wagin.
  • Of those 93 listings, there are 7 places identified as State significant on the Register of Heritage Places.
  • Another place is under consideration for Commonwealth listing.
  • Including the 7 Registered places, there are 17 places on the 2018 Heritage List.

The 7 Heritage Places

What this means for Wagin

  • Review existing listings in the Shire’s 1996 Municipal Inventory of Heritage Places and 2018 Heritage List.
  • Shire of Wagin calls for public nominations. THIS MEANS YOU :-)
  • Consult with Shire Council, Shire Officers, Historical Society and other interested parties.
  • Identify changes that may affect a listing in terms of its level of significance.
  • Update records and photographs (photos only places that are publicly accessible).
  • Consider other places within the Shire of Wagin that may be considered worthy of listing.
  • Review nominations.
  • Take opportunities to further engage with the community.
  • Research (desktop) and document nominations.
  • Reassess all listings in response to “ Assessment of Local Heritage Places.”
  • Form a Statement of Significance for each place
  • Assess “Categories” of Significance.
  • Review 2018 Heritage List and identify any further places for the “Heritage List” that is formed from the two highest level Categories (1 and 2), for statutory protection through the Planning Scheme and Local Planning Policy.
  • Prepare for Council endorsement of a DRAFT document for public comment.
  • Community consultation to provide opportunities for comment, involvement and nomination of places.
  • It is important to have community involved as it is their heritage.
  • Many places previously identified and recently, also need information to substantiate their heritage significance.
  • Amend document as required, for final endorsement by Council.

Then what?

The Shire of Wagin advises the community of the process and calls for nominations.

Consultant photographs every place that’s already listed and that’s publicly accessible and identifies any other places that may be of interest, accesses background information and importantly liaises with the Historical Society and other interested parties. 

If you have read to here, then it is official, you are a heritage buff, so come and see us, we can give you more information and a nomination form to consider any places other than are currently on the list. 


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